How we're performing

How we're performing

Our service in numbers.


Being open is one of our values.

So we publish a range of information about how we're performing as a business.

overall customer satisfaction


overall customer satisfaction
new homes completed (23-24)


new homes completed (23-24)
customers satisfied with their recent repair


customers satisfied with their recent repair




Image showing the front cover of the customer report 2023


Customer report



Image showing the front cover of the financial statements


Financial statements



Image of the front cover of the VFM report


Value for Money report


Image showing the front cover of our ESG report. Includes a photo of a father and two daughters plus text that reads "Better homes, communities, business. Better futures".


ESG report







Our performance in numbers

For more detail on how we're performing, see our key performance indicators below. We update this information every quarter.




  • Customers satisfied that we're easy to deal with = 85%
  • Customers satisfied that we listen and act on their views = 72%


  • Complaints responded to in time = 73%
  • Complaints due a response so far this year = 362

  • Customers satisfied that their home is safe and secure = 85%
  • Homes that meet the Decent Homes Standard = 100%
  • Blocks with an in-date fire risk assessment = 100%
  • Homes with a valid gas certificate = 100%
  • Priority 'A' fire risk works currently overdue = 0%
  • Overall safety compliance (incl. asbestos, electrical, fire risk, gas, lifts, legionella) = 100%

  • Overall SAP rating = 76.3%
  • Rented homes with an EPC rating of C or above = 91%
  • SHIFT rating = SILVER

  • Regulatory rating = G1 V1

  • Customers satisfied that their rent is good value for money = 85%
  • Total arrears (rented stock) = 2.10%
  • Gearing = 43%
  • Interest coverage = 173%
  • Return on capital employed (ROCE) – 4.6%
  • EBITDA MRI Interest Rate Cover – 153.2%

Annual figures (2022-23)

  • Turnover = £42m
  • Operating surplus = £15.3m
  • Operating margin (social housing lettings) – 40.55%
  • Investment in existing homes - £4.6m
  • Investment in building new homes = £23.3m
  • Reinvestment = 8.82%

  • Homes delivered this year (so far) = 46
  • Homes being built in the Borough of Broxbourne = 86%


  • Average time to relet a home 35 days

  • Staff NET promoter score - 7.8
  • Team diversity* = 90.3%

*We have set targets for the diversity of our workforce. We've worked out what proportion of our team we should have from different groups, based on the profile of the population in our area. This % shows how close we are to our targets in terms of the representation of:

  • People under 30
  • People from ethnic minority groups
  • People with a disability
  • People who identify as LGBTQ+