Our local area is in urgent need of more housing.
That's why B3Living has an ambitious target to develop more homes. We're one of the only social landlords building in our borough.
Scroll down to view some of the homes we are building.
Target starts on site (2024 - 2027)

Bishop's Stortford North
25 new homes in 100% affordable scheme

Barrow Lane
6 homes to transform disused garage site

Mark Davies Court
24 new affordable rent homes, Hoddesdon

The White House
36 Homes - 35 affordable rent and 1 social rent

High Lane
9 new affordable homes for sale and rent
Work with us
We're happy to talk with you about any land or development opportunities.
Where we're developing
Latest development updates

Construction has started to transform Barrow Lane garages into new homes
Wednesday, 15 January 2025
Category: Development