When it comes to climate change, housing has a big role to play.
Homes represent 25% of UK carbon emissions. Climate change directly impacts on people’s health and well-being and disproportionately affects the poor and vulnerable. We’re committed to doing our bit in the drive for a more sustainable future.
Our aim is to make our operations
carbon neutral by 2030.
We’ve set ambitious targets to improve the energy efficiency of our homes and make them more sustainable. We will also build new homes to high environmental standards.
By 2027 we want to have…

SAP rating

SHIFT sustainability standard (externally assessed)

Homes under EPC C
What we're doing to get there
Working together
We want Hertfordshire to be more green - and, luckily, we're not alone! We've banded together with fellow social landlords, settle and Watford Community Housing to launch Greener Herts: a sustainability partnership.
Our Green Panel brings B3Living customers together with other social housing residents from across Hertfordshire.
Together, the Panel is here to influence our direction as a partnership.
Customer engagement is key to the success of any sustainability project, so the Green Panel acts as our sounding board. They helps us make sure that those customers affected by new technology or changes to their home have the best possible experience and are well-equipped to live in a more eco-friendly home.
To coordinate efforts across the three partners, we have recruited a shared Sustainability Lead.
They focus on researching and piloting new schemes and technologies, with the aim of putting our partnership the vanguard of modern, eco-friendly housing management.
All three landlords have joint funded this position to ensure effective collaboration so that our combined efforts can drive us toward our net-zero carbon targets.
Across our three housing associations, we own more than 20,000 homes. We believe we can make a real difference by combining our efforts, resources, and buying power. Together, we’re identifying more sustainable ways of working and investing in more energy-efficient homes.

Taking action
Within B3Living, we've brought together a Net-Zero Working Group including colleagues from across the organisation. We're looking at everything we do to see how we could be more efficient - from office waste to how we build new homes.
Some achievements of the group so far:
- New hybrid vans
- Training for our electricians on solar PV maintenance
- Reducing tonnes of office waste
- Electric car charging at our office and on new estates
Monitoring our impact with SHIFT
We’ve signed up to SHIFT: the independent sustainability accreditation scheme for the housing sector, provided by Suss Housing.
Our annual SHIFT assessment tells us how we are delivering against environmental targets and how our environmental standards compare to our peers.
We use our SHIFT assessment to set our action plan for the year ahead. It helps us identify how we can improve the quality of life for our customers and protect the environment for everyone.

Latest updates on sustainability at B3Living...

We’ve received a SHIFT Gold award for sustainability in our homes!
Thursday, 11 April 2024
Category: Sustainability

We're set to deliver sustainable and affordable homes following £50m Lloyds Bank support
Monday, 11 September 2023
Category: Sustainability

Joint bid for works to reduce carbon footprint submitted
Wednesday, 14 December 2022
Category: Sustainability