Better Futures: building locally

Better Futures: building locally

Monday, 25 April 2022

In this series, our Chair, David Biggs, introduces the seven themes of our new strategy. In this edition, David explains there’s more behind the theme of “building locally” than it may sound.

Photo of David Biggs


The headline, of course, describes a key strand of our strategy which will see us continue to focus on the Borough of Broxbourne with over 70% of the new homes we build falling within the borough.  

Why did we decide to do this?

Well, there are many reasons. But core to this direction is the recognition that we are a local business.

With over 90% of our customers already in Broxbourne, that concentration of properties means we are able to operate efficiently (a factor perhaps never more important than now as costs rise) across an area where our key stakeholder, the Borough of Broxbourne, welcomes this concentration of ownership as we can help them meet their housing needs.

However, ultimately, the Board felt that the continued focus on Broxbourne would allow us to provide an even better service to our customers.


As part of “building locally” we are also committed to provide a variety of tenures, from shared ownership to social and affordable rent, helping to address the affordability barriers for people living and wanting to live in Broxbourne.

We are also considering here the regeneration of some of our existing estates. Both to provide more new homes, but also to modernise properties and make them more sustainable, thinking of what’s good for the environment but also what’s good for our customers by bringing their energy bills down.


We are not saying here, “we only work in Broxbourne”.  

We have and will continue to manage and develop more homes in the surrounding areas.

But we are centred on Broxbourne.



As our estate grows the area we see as our core area will also grow.

By having a concentration of properties in a focused geographical area, we believe we can continue to provide a high level of service to our customers and, over time, even provide a better service.

To learn more about our Better Futures strategy (2021-24), click here.