Our service standards say we’ll always…
- Be understanding, helpful and efficient no matter how you get in touch – on the phone, face to face, the lot.
- Keep your information safe and accurate.
- Make it easy for you to get in touch with us and respond quickly when you do.
How we did...
customers happy with how we dealt with their last query
serious data breaches*
How customers think our service has changed

* 7 minor breaches - Minor breaches are where we’ve shared data unnecessarily, but its low level, only affecting individuals and unlikely to impact their lives.
You said, we did…
We want these scores to improve, so next year we will:

Improve how we record our contact with you, so you don’t have to explain yourself over and over and so we can make sure things don’t get missed.

Change our letters and leaflets so we’re using the right tone when we contact you.

Change our service standards. We’ll make them more detailed and do spot checks on how we’re doing against them twice a year.