
Our ploggers in action

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

At the end of last year, our team came together to organise a plogging morning at one of our estates.

Litter can have harmful effects on the environment. So, our goal is to raise awareness about the impact of fly-tipping and help build new habits in the community.

Never heard of plogging before?

Plogging is the combination of jogging, walking or running and picking up litter. By working together in the community, we hope to help stop litter from ending up in our rivers and lakes, polluting the water supply and eventually ending up in the ocean.

Did you know...

Leaving large items (e.g. furniture, appliances) in or near your area gives our caretaking team less time to clean your block.

Although you pay for our services, disposing of bulky waste is not actually part of our service.

It’s actually fly-tipping.

Not sure what to do with your unwanted items? Click here.