Neighbourhoods / shared services

4. Neighbourhoods / shared services

How we performed against our service standards.


Our service standards say we’ll always…

  • Maintain all shared hallways, grounds etc, so you can be proud of your neighbourhood.
  • Calculate rent, and your estimated and final service charge figures, every year.



How we did...



customers were satisfied with their neighbourhood as a place to live





neighbour cases for every 1,000 homes we manage

(also called 'anti-social behaviour cases')





spent clearing fly-tipping




How we spent your rent
to the £1

Pie chart showing how, for every £1, we spent 41p building new homes, 17p providing services (5p caretaking and grounds maintenance, 12p housing management), 41p on repairs and maintenance (17p Maintaining your home, 16p Major repairs e.g. replacing kitchens, bathrooms and boilers, 8p Planned maintenance / servicing – eg redecorating)


Do we offer value for money?



felt their rent offered value for money





felt their service charges offered value for money



You said, we did…

We want these scores to improve, so next year we will:


Icon showing a calendar appointment

Visit our estates and host more events so we can meet with you.

Icon showing a speech bubble with exclamation marks inside

Introduce a survey to see how well you feel we are doing on anti-social behaviour cases.



Icon showing a house with a heart inside

Set aside a ‘support fund’. After we consulted customers on rents, they asked for a safety net for people who come up against challenges and can’t pay rent.